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HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes Namespace Explorer

Provides an overview of a Namespace from a HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes perspective.

This dashboard enumerates PersistentVolumeClaims in a Kubernetes Namespace and provide drill-down capabilities.


HPE CSI Info Metrics Provider for Kubernetes deployed on the cluster with a “cluster” target label designating a cluster name. The source metrics needs to be normalized with the following metric_relabel_configs for the scrape target.

  - source_labels: [__name__]
    action: labelmap
    regex: "cpg|pool"
    replacement: "storagepool"
  - source_labels: [__name__]
    regex: "^hpe(primera|nimble|3par|alletra6000|alletra9000)_(.*)"
    target_label: "__name__"
    replacement: "hpe_$2"
  - source_labels: [__name__]
    regex: "^hpe_(pool|cpg)_(.*)"
    target_label: "__name__"
    replacement: "hpe_storagepool_$2"

HPE Storage Array Exporter for Prometheus


This dashboard utilize the officially supported exporters for HPE storage systems.


This dashboard is provided, as-is, as an example and it’s not officially supported by HPE. Join us on Slack at slack.hpedev.io in the storage platform channels if you have questions or feedback.

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