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JMeter test results influxdb2 custom backend listener

This dashboard shows live load test metrics provided by JMeter

How to configure:

  1. Create new InfluxDB Bucket and Token
  2. Download custom plugin to JMeter /lib/ext folder from git
  3. Configure JMeter backend listener
   - Backend listener implementation: io.github.mderevyankoaqa.visualizer.InfluxDatabaseBackendListenerClient
   - testName: YOUR_APP_NAME
   - nodeName: YOU_NODE_NAME (Example: ${__machineName})
   - runId: YOUR_TEST_ID (For example: ${__time(yyyyMMdd-HHmm)}-appname)
   - influxDBURL: http://YOUR_INFLUXDB_IP:8086/
   - influxDBToken: YOUR_TOKEN
   - influxDBOrganization: YOUR_ORG
   - influxDBBucket: jmeter
   - samplersList: .*
   - useRegexForSamplerList: true
   - recordSubSamples: false
   - saveResponseBodyOfFailures: true
  1. Add InfluxDB as a data source in Grafana using your bucket and token.
  2. Create a folder for your project if it doesn’t already exist
  3. Import Grafana dashboard

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